

Can Cryptocurrency Be the Answer to Bitcoin's Problems?

 Cryptocurrency is the new money. And it's about to change everything.

Last year, bitcoin had a terrible start to the year, losing 30% of its value in the first quarter. Since then, it has not recovered back to its pre-2017 levels, and some analysts predict that it may soon be dead. While there are other cryptocurrencies out there competing with bitcoin, most of them have even less value than bitcoin. It seems like cryptocurrency as an asset class might just be on its way out unless something changes quickly. But could the blockchain technology behind cryptocurrency actually end up saving it?


What is a cryptocurrency?

The word cryptocurrency is a portmanteau of cryptography and currency. It refers to digital currencies based on blockchains such as Ethereum, ripple, litecoin, and others. The system behind cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology which was originally invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and was designed to allow users to make transactions without an intermediary or middleman. For example, when buying a house with cash instead of using your bank. Satoshi’s goal was not to use bitcoin for financial transactions but rather as a way to transfer money between two individuals with no third party involved which means no banks are required. Blockchain allows digital information to be distributed but not copied, unlike traditional database systems which are centralized and controlled by one authority, who maintains governance over its data.


How do cryptocurrencies work:

They can be traded for cash or used to purchase goods and services in real-time. The technology behind them is pretty advanced, but at its core, it’s similar to sending cash digitally. In fact, cryptocurrency is essentially just digital money that you store on your computer, on a physical wallet device like a USB key, or even on an encrypted piece of paper. What makes cryptocurrency so revolutionary is that you don’t need anyone else—like a bank—to give you permission before you buy something with it or send it across borders. Many people say that cryptocurrencies are one of our best hopes for financial inclusion—making money and financial services more accessible to everyone around the world who needs them most.



Although there is a great deal of buzz around cryptocurrencies, most people have no idea how cryptocurrencies actually work. The most famous cryptocurrency by far is Bitcoin, which is based on blockchain technology. Blockchain provides new ways to make and verify transactions that are immune to fraud and tampering because they are decentralized across every computer that uses them. Every transaction has a digital signature that can only be created by its true owner, which means it cannot be faked or duplicated, unlike a traditional paper check. Even if someone had your private key (which you should keep as secure as possible), it couldn’t be used without your permission, because no one else would know what it was for or what it said.


Types of Cryptocurrency:

The cryptocurrency market is made up of more than a thousand different types of coins. Some are essentially worthless, others serve very niche purposes, and some are direct competitors of each other. To know how cryptocurrency can be used for solving issues in real-world business, it’s important to break down all cryptocurrencies into their basic groups. The most common categories are forks (or hard forks), smart contracts, privacy coins, and stablecoins.


Advantages of using crypto coins:

The first advantage is that all transactions are encrypted. No one, not even your bank or payment processor, can see what you purchased, where you bought it, or how much you paid for it. Crypto coins also have almost no transaction fees. If a merchant accepts digital currency and doesn’t convert it into cash right away (they don’t have to accept cryptocurrency to accept credit cards), they may charge an average fee of 1% per transaction. Lastly, unlike traditional payments methods like checks and ACH transfers which are reversible in as little as 10 days if fraud occurs, cryptocurrency is non-reversible and cannot be charged back. This is particularly useful for those who like to buy expensive items online without fear of having their accounts stolen.


Disadvantages of using crypto coins:

Unlike government-backed money, there are no legal protections if you lose your crypto coins or someone steals them. In addition, you have to trust your cryptocurrency provider will be around in years when bitcoin may not be that popular. Companies can also disappear with users' funds. If a company is hacked or otherwise disappears, cryptocurrency users may lose all their cash and find it impossible to recover their virtual funds. That's why some people turn to online exchanges when they want to buy and sell cryptocurrency instead of trusting individual sellers. These digital marketplaces match buyers and sellers, which creates an added layer of protection for those who use these services because now they're dealing with a trusted third party rather than an anonymous person in their neighborhood who claims he has a way for them to get rich quick.

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